49 Articles
Tesla founder and CEO Martin Eberhard steps down, but not out

News of Tesla's co-founder and CEO Martin Eberhard stepping down has been making the rounds in both automotive and tech circles all morning. The gist is that Eberhard will become Tesla's President of Technology so he can stay hands on with the all-electric Tesla Roadster's development, while a man by the name of Michael Marks, formers CEO of a company called Flextronics and one

More on Tesla replacing Martin Eberhard as CEO

I spoke to Tesla Motors Vice President of Marketing Darryl Siry a short time ago and among other things he provided further clarification of the situation with Martin Eberhard. What he told me was that this change had been planned for some time. It's normal practice at start-up companies like Tesla for the founder to step aside from the top slot as the company grows. People who create companies like this are typically visionaries with an idea about what they want to create, but don't necessarily

Tesla WhiteStar plant coming to ... somewhere in America

Michigan may have received the nod for Tesla's new Technical Center, but the location of the factory where future Tesla models will be built remains unknown. According to the Greensboro News-Record in North Carolina, the town of Alamance has been offering itself up like a, well, like a place ready for Tesla. But Tesla Motors CEO Martin Eberhard won't tell where the plant will be, only that Californ

Tesla Motors' Martin Eberhard: "We need to stop using oil altogether"

Looks like Tesla Motors chief Martin Eberhard has got fighting words for all you hybrid fans out there. Eberhard was nothing but nice to me at the unveiling of the Tesla Roadster in July, but maybe that's because I didn't show up in a Prius. Eberhard told hybrid owners (via the New York Times) that, "You can drive around and feel smug in a hybrid car. But you're still burning oil, dude. If we want to beco

Tesla Roadster pics are out there

That didn't take long. Despite the embargo on publishing Tesla material until 12:00 AM EST, the dam has broken and information and images of the Tesla Roadster have flooded the internet tonight. We'll credit Wired for starting the deluge, as this gallery of live images has been online for a while now.

Tesla CEO spotted in Autoblog comments - great debate ensues

We're always wondered if that guy in the comments who goes by the name of "Willy Ford" is the actual scion of Henry Ford himself and CEO of Ford Motor Company, Bill Ford. Probably not, but some CEOs do actively participate in the Autoblog community, like Martin Eberhard, CEO of Tesla Motors. Eberhard must be a busy guy, as the countdown timer on Tesla Motors' website shows only 1 day, 8 hours, 59 minutes and 2 seconds left before the all-EV Tesla Roadster debuts (at the time of this writing), bu

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